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Addio a GARY RICHRATH (REO Speedwagon)

Addio a GARY RICHRATH (REO Speedwagon)

14 Settembre 2015 5 Commenti Iacopo Mezzano

REOGary Richrath, storico chitarrista dei REO Speedwagon dalla fondazione fino al 1990, è deceduto nella notte.

A darne l’annuncio sulla pagina Facebook del gruppo, Kevin Cronin: “Hi friends, kc here. My longtime friend and collaborator Gary Richrath passed away earlier today. I feel so sad. Gary was both a unique guitarist and songwriter, and the embodiment of the tough guy with a heart of gold. I learned most of what I know about being in a rock band from Gary Richrath. The entire REO Family mourns his death and shares in the grief of his family, friends, and fans. These words do not come close to expressing the depth of emotions I am feeling at this time…kc
PS. This photo has been on my music room table for as long as I can remember, and will stay there.”

Ancora ignote le cause del decesso di una delle più grandi stelle che la musica rock melodica abbia conosciuto. R.I.P. Gary..

© 2015, Iacopo Mezzano. All rights reserved.

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