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Velvet Revolver: Slash smentisce il rientro di Scott Weiland

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  • Velvet Revolver: Slash smentisce il rientro di Scott Weiland

Velvet Revolver: Slash smentisce il rientro di Scott Weiland

21 Maggio 2012 0 Commenti Andrea Vizzari

velvet_revolverDurante un’intervista rilasciata al programma radiofonico americano “Friday Night Rocks” di Eddie Trunk, il chitarrista Slash ha smentito le precedenti dichiarazioni da parte di Scott Weiland, secondo le quali il cantante era rientrato dei Velvet Revolver e aveva iniziato a scrivere nuovi pezzi con Duff McKagan.

Ecco un estratto dell’intervista di Slash con Eddie Trunk:

Slash said, “And [the radio show host] starts saying something at one point where he goes, ‘So Scott Weiland’s back in Velvet Revolver. And how does that feel?’ And I was like, ‘Woah! What?’ And he goes, ‘Yeah, Scott said you guys are writing together and you’re gonna be on the road by the end of the year.’ And I was just like, ‘Am I delirious? What are you saying?’”

The guitar god continued, “Anyway, then, which was a good thing, he played me a tape of the actual conversation with Scott saying all this stuff. I was like, ‘What the f—?’ And that was it. And I called Duff, and I was like, ‘Duff, do you know anything about this?’ And Duff says, ‘I have no idea.’ So that was it. I was just in a state of shock.”

Slash then went to the other source – Kushner- who told him that he and Scott “had some conversations at some point about getting back together. But I remember that was sort of Scott’s M.O. when we did that reunion thing.” The band played a benefit show earlier this year, where Weiland took his place behind the mic for a one-off.

Slash continued, “So he’s been interested in burying the hatchet and getting back together and sort of juggling this whole STP/Velvet Revolver perfect-world thing. And I’m, like, there’s no way that’s gonna happen. I love Scott — he’s a great guy when I’m not in a band with him. I’d just like to keep it that way. So there’s no truth to this whole thing. [It’s been given] way more attention than it even deserves.”

© 2012, Andrea Vizzari. All rights reserved.

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