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  • Simone Dresdner ha inviato un aggiornamento 1 anno, 6 mesi fa

    interactive whiteboard for schools
    Lin Yiran noticed from the rearview mirror that Lin Baoer was standing motionless. He slowed down the car, opened the window, and rushed back and said, “Baoer, keep up.” Lin Baoer is stupefied, random silly smile, the obsession in the heart of what was immediately left behind. Keep up with me. Zhao Yanfang, a Qing’s sister-in-law and Wu’s sister-in-law all belong to the best fighters. Lin Yiran did not intend to go to any of them to find out the news. So I drove directly to a family on the west side of the village and stayed in the village. Hello, is anyone there? Out of politeness, Lin Yiran asked at the gate of the courtyard, but did not enter the door directly. Zhao Lan, who lived in the vegetable cellar, opened her eyes and pushed the man beside her. Get up, there seems to be movement outside. The man beside him turned over and continued to sleep soundly. Zhao Lan strong courage, thought to listen to the voice is a little girl, do not know how many people on the other side. If there are not many people on the other side. Zhao Lan looked at the man sleeping like a pig beside her, and then looked at her son who was also sleeping in the vegetable cellar not far from them. She was fed up with sleeping in a dirty, smelly vegetable cellar and living in fear all day. Even if her son had done something wrong at the beginning, the people in the village did not care about the feelings of their fellow countrymen at all. Zhao Lan gritted her teeth,interactive flat panel display, she must not stay here! Her son can’t stay in a desolate village all his life! Zhao Lan took a deep breath and pushed away the smelly feet of the man beside her. She sat up and fumbled to light one of the few remaining candles, forcing herself to pull out a kind smile. Only in the dark candlelight of the vegetable cellar, on the dry face of the vicissitudes of life, the “kind” smile looks ferocious and terrible. Who Lin leisurely surprised, she thought the people in the cellar were not ready to open the door, she had no intention of breaking in, was thinking of leaving,interactive whiteboard for schools, did not expect to come out an old man to open the door. It is not appropriate to say that she is an old man. Lin Yiran has a little impression of this person. Now, although she is walking hard, with a full head of hair and a face full of vicissitudes of life, she seems to be completely different from the person she used to be. Lin Yiran vaguely sees her face. When the Lin family first moved to Yongfeng Village, this man had come to congratulate them. In fact, it’s just to eat and chat. In her memory, she was a middle-aged woman with a fat body, a dark face, but a bright voice and a happy smile. Unexpectedly, in just over half a year, the once typical and healthy middle-aged woman will become old and weak today. Lin Yiran’s throat was choked by a ball of cotton. “Hello, I’m Lin Yiran, the daughter of Lin Pinghai in the village.” Without waiting for Lin Yiran to finish, digital interactive whiteboard ,interactive digital whiteboard, Zhao Lan laughed and said, “It’s the daughter of Lao Lin and Yan Hong. Fast forward and sit down.” Lin leisurely waved his hand, “No, thank you.”. I’m just passing by. Do you know where all the people in the village have gone? As soon as Zhao Lan froze, she immediately said with a mournful face, “The people in the village..” All, all have been taken! Lin Yiran was stunned and was taken away? Zhao Lan continued, “Alas..” A group of people came that day, saying that they would go into the village to rest their feet, and that they would exchange rice and other grain. Zhao and Zhao Yanfang opened the door for them just for that. “Unexpectedly that group of crazy things, the heart was eaten by the dog, actually robbed the village, but also took people away.” Zhao Yanfang? This is what Zhao Yanfang can do. At random, Lin Yiran wondered, “Didn’t the people in the village resist?” “Yes!”! How did not resist, but did not think that the group of people have guns! That’s a gun. Hey. We dare there. As Zhao Lan spoke, she burst into tears as if she were sad. Thanks to our family’s good hiding, we were not arrested. “Do you know where the people in the village have been captured?” Zhao Lan replies immediately: “B city!” “City B?” Lin Yiran is still confused, B city people passing by robbed the grain she can understand. But what did they catch the villagers of Yongfeng village for? Zhao Lan suddenly remembered that, according to Zhao Pengxiang, Lin Yiran and Lin Baoer stayed at Lin Baoer’s biological father’s home in B city, so why didn’t they meet the villagers who moved to B city. On second thought, a city is so big, and there is no telephone, mobile phone, Lin Yiran and Lin Pinghai did not meet is normal. She settled down, and then unhurriedly said: “B is the city ah!”! Leisurely, you come back from B city should know, the research Institute of B city is terrible. Lin Yiran is confused. The research Institute of B city catches most of the powers and mutant zombies. What’s the use of catching people in Yongfeng village? As Zhao Lan spoke, she seemed to suddenly remember something. She pretended to ask casually, “Leisurely, are you the only one who came back from B city?”? Where’s Boa? Did you bring anyone else? Lin Yiran did not intend to let Boa show up, she shook her head, “No, I came back alone to see my father.” Hearing what Lin Yiran said, Zhao Lan reached her neck and looked into the van behind her. But the night was dark and nothing could be seen. Three zombies in the car are very good, sitting in the back seat honestly, as a pillow for the sleeping Manman. Zhao Lan really thought that Lin leisurely had returned to the village alone. Why did you come back alone. You are a girl, and you are not afraid of danger on the road. Zhao Lan said, and was about to step forward to pull Lin’s leisurely arm. Come on, come and sit at my aunt’s house. Zhao Lan’s performance is really too strange, and there are many loopholes in her words. Lin Yiran put his hand behind his back and waved his hand, indicating that the baby who was ready to move in the night should not appear. Said to Zhao Lan,interactive panels for education, “I won’t go in.”. Thank you. I went back to B city overnight to look for someone. Zhao Lan ignored Lin Yiran’s refusal and dragged Lin Yiran’s arm to pull people into the house. “Qin Dahai, come out!” He shouted as he pulled! Get out of here. Lin Pinghai’s daughter went back to the village and came to our house. The sudden loud voice made Lin leisurely see the appearance of the once cheerful and atmospheric middle-aged woman. Wu Dahai in the vegetable cellar was startled, thinking that his daughter-in-law had told him to go to B city to grab cars and grain. Lin Pinghai’s daughter came back from B city to find her father. My daughter-in-law is not really going to do such a thing. hsdsmartboard.com